4 Reasons To End Your Self-Isolation With A Wine Tour

As you emerge from weeks or months of being stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic, you will likely be looking for something fun to do away from home. What should be one of your first choices? A wine tour. Why? Here are four of the best reasons. 

1. It's a Socially Distant Activity. Social distancing — the maintenance of a relatively safe six foot distance from others — is going to be a fact of life for the next year or two. So, travelers will want to find things to do that are safely non-contact. A wine tour is the perfect choice. Wineries generally provide sufficient space indoors and have a great deal of outdoor space so that people can spread out. Tours also tend to have fewer people per group and don't require guests to physically interact. 

2. You Can Travel Alone. One of the main concerns about travel in the pandemic era is sharing a tight space with a crowd of other people on various forms of public transportation. Wine tours allow you to skip most or all of these group travel situations. You can find wineries and tours scattered throughout the U.S. and the world, meaning there is less travel involved. And you can often travel by your own car or just with your own personal group.

3. You'll Enjoy the Great Outdoors. Wineries are beautiful and luxurious, and they feature stunning landscapes and outdoor patios. If you've been sitting at home wishing to go outside and revel in the warm spring and summer months, a winery will be an ideal location. Get outside, feel the sunshine, and enjoy a few glasses of your favorite wine while nature soothes your soul.  

4. It's a Group Outing. Aside from the ability to head outside for fresh air, you'll likely want to spend time with friends and meet new people again. A wine tour is a fun and safe way to do both. Take some friends and enjoy a day together where you can safely remain a short distance apart while engaging in the same group activities. You can also comfortably meet a few new people also while engaging from a safe distance. 

Could your year be improved by any of these benefits? No matter what your concerns about travel in the post-pandemic world, a wine tour could be the perfect solution. Make it first on your list by meeting with a tour service today.

About Me

Traveling To Great Places

After spending years working full time, I knew that I had to do something to change my life. I wanted to explore the world and to soak in the cultures that were around me, so I started turning to professionals for advice. They told me to travel and to learn more about local cultures, so I began talking with other people about their favorite places to visit. Within a few short months, I had gone to several places, and it was a powerful reminder of how lucky I was to have what I had. This blog is here to help others to travel a little easier.



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