Mistakes To Avoid When Planning Your Wedding To Ensure A Joyous Time

Whether you have decided to plan your wedding yourself or have a wedding planner or hotel staff do the job for you, there are some things during the planning process you need to avoid to ensure you have a joyous time. If you try to avoid these mistakes during your planning, you are more likely to have happy guests and you yourself will have a wedding to remember.

The Right Date

Picking the right date that everyone, including you, will be happy with is one of the important decisions. While a Christmas wedding is romantic and will make a day to remember, not everyone might be happy about attending a wedding during the holidays, especially if the wedding is in a different city than they would be visiting for the holiday. Before choosing a date that either sits on or is very near a special holiday, major sporting event, or another special event in your guests' lives, check with them to see if they would be okay with attending a wedding or if they have other plans on that date. You could pick a similar date, close to the one you originally thought, but one that won't interfere with any made plans.

Who is Invited

When you send out your invitations, make very clear who in that household is invited to attend. It might be okay with you for single people to bring a friend or date, so make sure they understand that on the invitation. If you are not inviting children to your wedding, make sure parents know that as well on the invitation. Or, on the reverse side of that, if you are allowing children to attend, make that clear.

Skip the Cash Bar

When you plan a wedding at a hotel, you can purchase packages of what's included in your wedding, and this can include a bar. This is very helpful since most people don't want to have to pay for their drinks while attending a wedding. If you have decided to have separate vendors that you hired yourself for your wedding and didn't take a package, try to not have a cash bar and work that cost into your overall budget. It will make a more enjoyable time for your guests.

Visit Each Table

When you invite a lot of people to a wedding, it can make it hard for the bride and groom to visit everyone and thank them for coming, but that is what they should do. If possible, plan your seating arrangements to make it easier for everyone to interact, including you, during the wedding or before your guests leave. It's polite and makes your guests feel happy and appreciated that you took the time to speak with them or at least say thank you before everyone goes home.

About Me

Traveling To Great Places

After spending years working full time, I knew that I had to do something to change my life. I wanted to explore the world and to soak in the cultures that were around me, so I started turning to professionals for advice. They told me to travel and to learn more about local cultures, so I began talking with other people about their favorite places to visit. Within a few short months, I had gone to several places, and it was a powerful reminder of how lucky I was to have what I had. This blog is here to help others to travel a little easier.



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